Entrepreneurship has never been an easy task and although with the passage of time there have been more facilities, obstacles have also increased, and it
Innovation is a constant in life, the development of technology allows investigations to be more practical and agile in every way, digital forensic investigations do
Didyouknowthatyoushould use thesameconversationaltoneacrossyourdifferent digital channels? Let’screatetogetherthestrategicstorythatwill define themessagingframework and conversationaltonetowardsyourstakeholders.
Institutional Communication
Millionsofpeopleget up everydaytocommunicatewithoutanyfear, throughthe web, whattheythink. Social media hasbecomean ideal place foremployees and managers tosay “I communicate and givemyopinionopenly online”. Let’sworktogetheronthekindofcommunicationthatyourcompanyneeds in thesechannels.
Crisis Prevention and Management
Do youknowthescenarioyourbrandis in? Let’sanalyzeittogetherto prepare thecontentsofthe digital propertiesthatyoumustmanageifyouface a crisis onthe web.
Digital Marketing
Itis time toproactively use new technologiestocreate and implementrobuststrategiesthatcomplement and helpindividuals, organizations and companiesachievetheirprofessional and businessgoals.
New Technologies
I havefoundthat digital strategiesfailduetotheinexperienceofleading in uncertainsituationswithinthecontextof new and changingtechnologies. Togetherwe can developthestrategiesyouneed.
New Business
Experience has shown me that new realities open thewayto new opportunities. I am convincedthatyou and yourcompany can takeadvantageofthem and successfullytransformwhatyou do todaytofacethese new realities and accelerateyourgrowth in thisconnected era.